
Thank you for visiting SkyCaramba. I have had a lifelong interest in astronomy ever since I realized there were stars over my head at night. And I like explaining things to help others understand. If you want to know more about astronomy, I hope I can help you.

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. I’m a fan of skycaramba and almanako (your previous site). Almanako used to list events for Ceres and it doesn’t seem that skycaramba does. Is there somewhere you could suggest for me to find Ceres events (conj/opp/aph/perih etc)? Also, when I’m using your skycaramba events page, the list generated doesn’t reflect the items I selected – it seems to generate an all-inclusive list (everything). Also, I’ve been searching the internet looking for these events calendars for previous years (back to 1900) – would you know where I could find that? Thanks very much in advance, Peggy

  2. Hi Peggy. It’s great to hear from you again. I could add Ceres to the events list. I didn’t know anyone was interested. Ceres is certainly easier to see than Pluto. I keep Pluto in the list because not everyone’s ready to let it go from the list of planets yet.

    I’m not having the same problem you’re reporting getting the customized event list. I wrote the script to depend on the user making selections, so I don’t know what would cause everything to be listed other than selecting everything–or your browser incorrectly submitting a request for all items. Please tell me which browser and version you’re using and I’ll see if that might be the cause.

    A test you can run is to select no events or objects but a date range of at least a few days. You should get no results back. But if you still get everything in that date range, it’s the browser not acting right. Of course, you can try another browser too.

    I don’t know a place where you can get event lists going back to 1900. However, I’m going to experiment soon with creating lists of events covering several years. I’d imagine doing 2010 to 2020 for starters. If I can produce them with a high enough accuracy, I can easily create lists for more years. Thank you for telling me about your interests.

    1. Thank you! I figured out what I was doing wrong and it’s so dumb that I’m not going to admit to exactly what it was… 🙂
      yes, I’d love to see Ceres and would be thrilled if I could see event lists from 2000 to 2020. I hope you don’t mind the request.
      Thanks in advance,

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